
StartPlay, Your game, your rules!

© 2023 StartPlay.Games, All Rights Reserved

StartPlay, Your game, your rules!

StartPlay, Your game, your rules!

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Terms of Use


  1. Welcome to the website StartPlay.Games (hereinafter: “the Site”). The Site is operated by StartPlay.
  2. The terms of use are written in the masculine form for convenience only but are intended for both women and men.
  3. By browsing or using this Site, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agreed without limitations or reservations to the terms of use. If you do not agree to the terms of use, or any part thereof, you must refrain from any access and/or use of the Site.
  4. We may amend or change the terms of use, or any part thereof, from time to time. The binding version of the terms in relation to any use of the Site will be the one valid at the time of use.
  5. The terms of use are binding on all users of the Site and the services offered therein, whether the use of the Site is done via computer, smartphone, or any other means known today or that will be known in the future, whether the user has registered to the Site or not.

Use of the Game

  1. The Site provides a game for game development. The use of the game is for entertainment purposes only. The responsibility for using the game and/or tools found on the Site lies solely and fully with the users.


  1. The Site managers do not provide any warranty or guarantee, direct or indirect, on the content of the Site, on the proper functioning of the game/tools, on their suitability for any purpose, and for any damage, loss, or expense that may be incurred from using or inability to use the Site.
  2. Unless otherwise stated by law, the game/tools offered on the Site should not be seen as providing any kind of professional advice or recommendation. The Site managers may change, suspend, or terminate the use of the Site or part of it at any time without prior notice.
  3. The Site managers do not guarantee the availability and/or proper functioning of the Site and shall be exempt from any liability for damage caused to the user and/or any third party as a result of using the Site, including due to malfunctions, inability to use, proper functioning, and other issues that may occur during the use of the Site.
  4. The operator will not be responsible for any change, defamation, deletion, error, inaccuracy, defect, damage, etc., that may be caused to the user or a third party as a result of using the tools offered by the Site.
  5. The operator does not commit to providing technical support or service to Site users.
  6. We have no responsibility for products purchased through various links found on the Site. For any support/warranty questions or any other matter, please contact the site where the purchase was made.

Intellectual Property Rights

  1. All rights to the content on the Site belong to the Site managers unless explicitly stated otherwise.
  2. No use of the content appearing on the Site for commercial purposes is allowed without obtaining prior written consent from the Site managers.
  3. It is forbidden to copy, duplicate, transmit, sell, transfer, distribute, make commercial use of, and create derivative works from any part and content of the Site, unless explicit permission has been given by the Site operator.


  1. Users commit not to upload content to the Site that is protected by others’ copyrights unless they own the copyrights or have received full and explicit consent from the rights owner to upload the content to the Site.
  2. The Site is not responsible for any content uploaded by users, including content protected by others’ copyrights.
  3. A user who believes that content uploaded to the Site infringes their copyright is requested to notify the Site immediately via a contact form.

Information Security

  1. We commit to protecting our users’ information and not disclosing it to third parties without the user’s explicit permission. We recognize the importance of information security and implement technical and organizational measures to maintain information security.
  2. Access to personal information for company employees, contractors, and agents is granted on a need-to-know basis in order to operate, develop, or improve our features or services.

If you have any questions, comments, or requests related to our terms or your use of our Site, please contact us using the details published on the Site.

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