Update: 04.06.2024
StartPlay, the innovative game development platform, has rolled out its latest update, introducing a range of new features and improvements that promise to elevate both the development process and player experience. This update, released on June 4, 2024, focuses on enhancing visual elements, expanding gameplay mechanics, and refining existing features.Visual Enhancements and Map
Update: 12.05.2024
StartPlay, the cutting-edge game development platform, has released its latest update, introducing groundbreaking features and expanding its already impressive toolkit. This update, launched on May 12, 2024, brings new triggers, promising to revolutionize how developers create and players interact with games.Enhanced User Interface and Information DisplayThe update introduces tooltips for small icons in
Update: 02.05.2024
StartPlay, the innovative game development platform, has just rolled out its latest update, packed with new features and improvements to its user-friendly interface. This release marks a significant step forward in the platform's evolution, offering developers an expanded toolkit to create immersive and engaging games.Enhanced Editor Settings and EffectsThe update introduces new editor
The Learning Power of Play
Games have long been a popular form of entertainment for children, but they offer so much more than just fun and excitement. Recent studies show that up to 97% of children play video games, and educational experts are increasingly recognizing the powerful learning potential of interactive play.How Kids Learn Through Games Children learn
New PC Version Enhances Game Creation
StartPlay, the popular game development platform that empowers kids to create 3D games easily and quickly, is launching an impressive new PC version!The new version brings a host of significant improvements, including:Enhanced gaming experience: The PC version offers better graphics, support for higher frame rates, and compatibility with a wider range of controllers.Advanced
Benefits of Educational Gaming
Games and education have increasingly become intertwined, with research suggesting that games can be powerful educational tools. Here's how they benefit both students and teachers:Benefits for Students:Increased engagement: Games make learning more fun and interactive.Skill development: Games help develop problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity.Diverse learning: Games cover various subjects, catering to different interests.Benefits